Precinct Delegate FAQ

Please see the FAQ's below. If you still have questions, please give us a call at 616-459-0141.

When is the Election for Precinct Delegates?


Precinct delegate elections take place during the August Primary Election.

Who will vote for me?


Only those voting in the Republican Primary in your precinct will vote for you. There is no cross-ballot voting in the primary, meaning if they vote they either vote on solely the Republican side of the ballot, or solely on the Democratic side.

Where will my name appear on the ballot?


Your name will appear on the Republican side of the ballot at the bottom.

Do I need to file any campaign finance reports for my Precinct Delegate race?


NO, Precinct Delegate candidates are NOT required to file disclosure forms or campaign finance compliance statements.

What if there are more people running than spots available?


The person(s) with the highest vote total are elected.

How will I know if I won?


You will receive a notice in the mail from the Kent County Clerk identifying you as the winner. 

What are my official duties?


Officially, you are running to be a “Delegate to the County Convention”, meaning you will vote at all County Conventions called in your term. You will be notified of the date, location, and purpose of these conventions through the “Call to Convention.” Aside from being a delegate, you can help Republicans in your precinct by contacting neighbors and getting them to show up to the polls on Election Day.

How long is my term as Precinct Delegate?


Your term as precinct delegate is two years. It begins the day you are elected and will end the day of the August primary in 2024.