Karl Hascall Memorial Golf Outing

Monday, July 11, 2022 at 10:30 AM


The Golf Club at Thornapple Pointe
7211 48th St SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49512
United States
Google map and directions

Event contact

Mike Sullivan


Join us for the 2022 Kent GOP Karl Hascall Memorial Golf Outing! This year's outing is being held on Monday, July 11 at Thornapple Pointe Golf Club. Registration begins at 10:30am, with tee off at noon. Lunch and dinner will be provided. You may purchase individual golfer or foursome tickets on this webpage. If you wish to send a check, please send a check to the Kent GOP at 725 Lake Michigan Drive NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504 and include the registration form found here

Interested in being an event sponsor? CLICK HERE.



Will you come?