Representataive Thomas A. Albert's 3rd Annual Fundraiser & Toys for Tots Drive

Saturday, December 02, 2017 at 04:00 PM


Main Street Inn
117 W Main St
Lowell, MI 49331
United States
Google map and directions

Join Representative Thomas A. Albert for his 3rd Annual Fundraiser and Toys for Tots Drive! Attendees are asked to bring an unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots.

Coffee, hot chocolate and refreshments will be served with the Lowell Light Parade beginning at 6pm! There will also be activities for kids and Santa will be making an appearance! For flyer, CLICK HERE.

No admission or contribution required. Campaign contributions will be accepted. Maximum contributions are $1000 per individual or $2000 per couple. Checks can be made payable to the "Committee to Elect Thomas A. Albert." Cash contributions are not permitted.

Will you come?